


1960s Tours

Darrigade Anquetil Poulidor at the Tour de France

Three of the 1960’s brightest stars - Darrigade, Anquetil and Poulidor - fought out the stages of the grand tours in a decade when France was the leader of the pro cycling world ...

  • 1960 Tour de France - In
  • 1960 Tour of Italy - As many Olympic athletes and cyclists will discover soon, the Roman sun is hot ... more
  • 1961 Tour de France - In
  • 1962 Tour de France - The first trade team Tour de France for 32 years went off smoothly. It was a far better race than in 1961, and might have been the greatest ever but for the unfortunate accident to Rik Van Looy at roughly "half-time." more
  • 1963 Tour of Britain - in progress
  • 1963 Tour de France - sometime soon
  • 1964 Tour de France - A relatively quiet Tour de France beginning, in the racing sense, opened hopefully for Britain when Michael Wright just missed taking the yellow jersey right from the start ... more
  • 1965 Tour de France - sometime soon
  • 1966 Tour de France - In progress
  • 1967 Tour de France - The shocking image of Tom Simpson and the caption “Your tribute to Britain’s greatest rider” sums up the summer of 1967 for anyone who was a cycling fan at the time. more
  • 1968 Tour de France - The route of the race and a GB team photo plus link to report ... more
  • 1969 Tour de France - Still looking for any interesting contributions ...
  • 1969 Tour of Britain - In



